It was originally called the Weger, and it was only when the Wegerwirt was built in Antholz Mittertal that the farm was called Ausserweger. It is said to have been an inn until it was moved to the church in the centre. For a time, the farm served the Engelberger family in Percha. Around 1869, the farm was bought by the Leitgeb family, who still hold it today. The Ausserwegers companies have been operating an extensive timber trade for 3 generations. For practical reasons, the old sawmill was abandoned at the bottom of the valley stream and a new sawmill was built next to the road.
The Auswegerhof is the parents' house of the well-known folk writer Father Lorenz Leitgeb. The old farmhouse has been restored over the last few months with great effort and attention to the old historical details. 5 apartments were built. The apartments on the 1st floor an old style has been deliberately maintained, while in the attic a completely innovative part was created, with three modern, comfortable apartments. Many pieces of antique furniture with an interesting story has been reinstalled and tell us something about the people who used to come in and out of the historic house.